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Pittsburgh Latinx Dad Builds “It’s a Small World” Ride While on Quarantine


Our days of quarantine have proved challenging on everyone and parents, in addition to their daily home chores, have had to find ways to complete remote work, teach their children, and also entertain them with no possibility of dropping them off at school or day care. It was precisely social distancing which inspired Jesús Torres, to do something special for his two-year-old daughter Isla.

Video with permission of Jesús Torres.

While his pregnant wife Elizabeth was at an ultrasound appointment, he came up with an amazing idea. He decided to recreate Disney’s “It’s a Small World” ride. Jesús decorated the amusement park ride with Isla’s stuffed animals. Her car, made out of a cardboard box, took along all the stops.

“Isla was so excited! She wouldn’t stop clapping and smiling throughout the entire ride,” said the proud papá.

Jesús Torres stated that he and his wife had been working from home and Isla is always full of energy. At times, he admitted, it has been tough. However, he and his wife play with Isla and do their best to keep her entertained while they are stuck at home.

We want to give a shout out to Jesús for pushing his creative bounds and making a beautiful memory for Isla out of their Covid-19 quarantine. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade or as we say in Spanish – ¡Si del cielo te caen limones, aprende a hacer limonada!

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